1 spot available
2025, March 30–April 6
$2995 / single room $600
Starting from Orlando, we track down the Caribbean and Subtropical species that call South Florida home. We should see 200 eastern species including the endemic Florida Scrub-Jay while enjoying fantastic birding weather.
2 spots available
2025, May 6-17
$3495 / SS $700
Would you like to see 34 warbler species on one trip including Kirtland’s Warbler on their breeding ground? Do you need some eastern sparrows, vireos, or flycatchers? We visit Kentucky, Ohio, and Michigan for this migration spectacle. That's what awaits you on the Warbler Grand Tour.
2025, July 7-10 / July 13-16
$1295 / single room $350
Birding locations include Rocky Mountain National Park, Pawnee National Grasslands, and everything in between. Hit both bucket list ecosystems on the same trip. Add the Pinyon Juniper Plus trip and save $100 off the total. Enjoy the beautiful prairie and mountains on this tour.
2025, July 10-13
$1295 / single room $350
Enjoy pristine Pinyon Juniper habitat, wetlands along the Arkansas River, short grass prairie, and a quick stop in the mountains to add a ton of birds to your life list. Add the Prairie to Mountains Tour and save $100 off the total.
2025, June-September
This private one-day tour is for 1-3 birders. Targets include both longspur species, Burrowing Owl, Mountain Plover, sparrows, plus more on the Pawnee. We spend the day in the best spots of our short-grass prairie.
2025, June-September
This private one-day mountain tour is for 1-3 birders. Targets include White-tailed Ptarmigan, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch, both sapsuckers, Western Tanagers, plus lots more. We could also see large mammals on this tour like Elk, Moose, and Mule Deer.
2025, June-September
Where the plains meet the Rocky Mountains forms a unique foothills ecosystem and a nice variety of birds. We can design the perfect tour from your list of targets or a great general tour to see as many species as possible.
2025, April 26-29
$1200, SS $200
We visit both amazing Sharp-tailed and Greater Sage-Grouse leks. White-tailed Ptarmigan and Dusky Grouse might also be seen on this North Park Tour as they are found individually. Expect other mountain species.
2025, April 19-25
$2895, SS $650
We visit the leks of the grouse and the prairie chicken found in Colorado including the rare Gunnison Sage-Grouse. Don’t miss the displaying males and all their shenanigans. We'll also add special prairie and mountain species along the way.